“Prepare The Way For The Lord!”


‘Prepare The Way For The Lord!”(Is.40:1-10)[15/12/2024].
Back in the days when we were students of the Presbyterian Theological College, I went for an internship in Mforya, Bafut. One day, I was treating a topic with the CWF from their study file. The article included the verse, “The stone which the builders rejected has become the capstone.” I explained that the verse was referring to Jesus Christ.
After the group meeting, one mother cornered me and told me that my interpretation of that verse as referring to Jesus just destroyed her convictions. She told me that her son, who had been a wastrel, entered the Seminary, and from that day, she knew that the above quoted scripture had come true. For her, the son was that rejected stone, which became the capstone.
I comforted her by saying there is nothing wrong claiming a biblical text as speaking for you.
The Bible is a living word because it speaks the same to people of every time and clime as they claim it as their own.
There is another prophetic utterance that was spoken in a different context, but the gospel writers claimed it for their contexts, and it has been so for all times. The appropriation is so convincingly unchangeable as it points to Christ; not needing any argument.
“A voice of one calling: ‘in the desert prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up. Every mountain and hill made low, the rough ground shall become level…And the glory of the LORD will be revealed…'”
Yes, the time of fulfilment is at hand when Christ stands at the door of everyone’s heart, knocking. Whoever hears his voice and opens to him, he will come in and dine with the one.
Preparing for the Savior is to avoid being lukewarm; claiming to be rich spiritually when in reality we are “wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked”(Rev.3:14-22).
As we wait for the coming of the One who is to come again, we should “produce fruit in keeping with repentance;” otherwise we remain classified as “brood of vipers” who may not escape the coming wrath!(Lj.3:1-9).
My friend, it’s a new dawn and we are called upon to do things differently to correct past errors that alienated us from the LORD’S presence so that God’s grace in Christ should not be in vain.
Sunday prayer: Thank you, LORD, for paying for our sins through Christ our Lord. Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang



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