Morning Meditations

“Saved By The Gardener!”

“Saved By The Gardener!”(Lk. 13:6-9).Time frames are important for project visions. To be sure that goals would be realized within given time frames, there is

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“A New But Old Command!-

“A New But Old Command!”(I Jn.2:7-11).Some of us may be completely ignorant of what is happening around us. To my Cameroonian friends we are talking

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“Walk In The Light!”

“Walk In The Light!”(I Jn.1:5-10).“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him is no darkness

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“Overcome Lust!”

“Overcoming Lust!”(Mt. 5:27-30).Yesterday we said, “While your physical eyes can lead you into sin, the eyes of your heart leads you away from sin.”An adage

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“God’s Unconditional Love!”

“God’s Unconditional Love!”(Dt. 7:6-12).One of my Christians, a former chairperson of her congregation had a fatal bike accident last Sunday. I shivered when she first

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“Crossing Our Red Sea II “

“Crossing Our Red Sea II!”(Ex. 14:21-29).Rev Fandio was a part-time lecturer at the Presbyterian Theological College, Kumba when we were diploma students in that institution.One

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“Crossing Our Red Sea!”

“Crossing Our Red Sea!”(Ex. 14:8-20).“…Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today…The LORD will fight for

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“On Our Way Rejoicing!”

“On Our Way Rejoicing!”(Act 8:26-39)In a small African village a Christian missionary tried so often to convert an old African. The man was not interested;

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“No Turning Back!”

“No Turning Back!”(Jn. 6:66-69).Jesus had just talked of how one had to eat his flesh and drink his blood to qualify for heaven. Many of

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“Carry Your Cross…!”

“Carry Your Cross…!”(Mt. 10:34-39).One of the cherished attributes of the Lord Jesus Christ is “Prince of peace”(Cf Is. 9:6). At his birth the heavenly host

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“Be Merciful…!”

“Be Merciful…!”(Lk. 6:36-42).Since the eye sees not itself except by reflection, we hardly know that the baggage we carry attracts judgment and criticisms from others.We

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“Out Of Court Settlement!”

“Out Of Court Settlement!”(I Cor. 6:1-8).Some months ago we lost an illustrious son in the US. He had just graduated from a military school. Circumstances

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“Justified By Faith!”

“Justified By Faith!”(Rom. 4:6-12).Back in the days when we obtained our FSL certificates, it became the end of formal education for some of us. Our

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“Repent And Live!”

“Repent And Live!”(Ez. 18:1-4&21-24&30-32).Reading from my laboratory result the other day, the doctor asked me if there is a family history of a certain disease.

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“Pardon On The Cross!”

“Pardon On The Cross!”(Lk. 23:39-43).About two months ago I was called to baptised somebody on his sick bed. I had been told that several of

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“The Invite!”

“The Invite!”(Mt.22:1-14).It is common among overspoilt children to demonstrate arrogance even to their parents. Such was the arrogance of Israel. As the chosen people of

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“Return To The LORD!”

“Return To The LORD!”(Jer.3:14-17).It is another new day and another new week. Father we thank you for another day of grace.The other day I learned

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“The King Must Hear This!”

“The King Must Hear This!”(Jer.36:11-19).When Baruch read the scroll at the LORD’S temple, the officials were sitting in the room of the royal secretary in

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“He Is With You Always!

“He Is With You Always!”(Mt. 28:16-20).In this week of the Holy Trinity we are reminded that the message of the gospel comes from Jesus Christ

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“The Call!”

“The Call!”(Is.6:1-5).Prophet Isaiah prophesied in the reign of four kings. It was in the year that Uzziah died that Isaiah was commissioned by God.”Kings die,

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