“Worthy Is The Lamb…!”

“Worthy Is The Lamb…!”(Rev.5:6-14).As we round up this week of praise, we remind ourselves that next Thursday is Ascenssion Day. Ascension day commemorates how the Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, after spending forty days on earth from the day he was raised from the dead. He has been exalted to the highest place where […]

“Submit Yourself To The Governing Authorities!”

“Submit Yourself To The Governing Authorities!”(Rom.13:1-10).A biblical quotation that is common on the lips of – especially despotic – leaders is, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established…Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those […]

“God’s Hidden Wisdom Revealed Through The Spirit!”

“God’s Hidden Wisdom Revealed Through The Spirit!”(I Cor.2:6-10).There is need to sesrch or research that which is hidden. Therefore, let us begin by defining the words, search and research.Search is to “try to find something by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly.” Meanwhile research is “the systematic investigation into and study of materials and […]

“Give To Our God Immortal Praise…!”

“Give To Our God Immortal Praise…!”(Lk.19:37-40).Once upon a time there was political tension in my village that was sparked by religion. Few months later I went to the village to conduct a research for a book chapter. My interest was to find out the level of religious coexistence within the Sub Division. In a discussion […]

“Come And Receive A Light Burden From Jesus Christ!”

“Come And Receive A Light Burden From Jesus Christ!”(Mt.11:25-30).Today the murder of Deborah in cold blood is decried across the continent. It is seen as antagonism perpetuated by fanatics of one religion against the other.Unfortunately, the truth is worst. The religious cold war raging within one religion itself is sometimes very disheartening. All this because […]