“Sing To The LORD…!”

“Sing To The LORD…!”(Ex.15:19-21).Each victory brings joy to the heart and most times such joy finds expression through songs. We do not pray for God to drown our enemies as he did with Pharaoh and his chariots to score victory for the Israelites.We cannot wish for the death of others, because “all lives matter!” However, […]

“Sing Praises To The LORD Most High!”

“Sing Praises To The LORD Most High!”(Rev.15:2-4).When the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea,“the people feared the LORD and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant” Then Moses and the Israelites sang a song to the LORD (Ex. 14:31-15:1-19).This song came to be known as the song of Moses. It was […]

God Overlooks Our Ignorance!”

“God Overlooks Our Ignorance!”(Acts 17:22-34).Plato upheld that “knowledge is recollection.” This is to say knowledge is not found in the external world; it is internally located. That possibly explains why Socrates taught by asking questions upon questions until the student found the solution to a problem by self.A better way to introduce a new topic […]

“Know About Jesus Christ And The Resurrection!”

“Know About Jesus Christ And The Resurrection!”(Acts 17:16-21).Emperror Constantine the great made Christianity a national religion. To maintain one’s political position or rise politically people had to become Christians. This to me was a great calamity to Christianity because many became Christians without any attachment to Christ!Secondly, the term Christendom was intended to describe territories […]

“Know Your Limits!”

“Know Your Limits!”(Job 38:31-38).Today we continue to reflect on the series of questions God posed to Job; questions that exposes human limitations and ridicule human pride and boastfulness. Humanbeings are mortal, finite, imperfect, and impotent. As such they cannot boast of any knowledge of immortality, infinity, peferction and potency.We are limited. Paul says we are […]