“Be Strong In The Lord And In His Mighty Power!”

“Be Strong In The Lord And In His Mighty Power!” You must not always want to prove a point or to show that you have the power to crush somebody. Silence is not ignorance or stupidity. Those who take the back bench or play the fool are not cowards or weaklings. They have learned to […]

“Imitate The Humility Of Christ!”

“Imitate The Humility Of Christ!” A Mungaka proverb says “give the meat to the child to share and see what portion he’ll give to you.” It is said that the father’s of old chose their successors through sharing. As the children took their turns to share the meat during meals, parents were taking note of […]

“God Will Commend You For Approval!”

“God Will Commend You For Approval!” What makes people to boast? They “commend themselves…They measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves by themselves…” but by doing this “they are not wise.” I checked up again on the word boast and it says, it is to “talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one’s achievements, possessions, […]

“Fear The Lord And Honour His Name!”

“Fear The Lord And Honour His Name!” Sometimes we become envious because the arrogant are called, “blessed.” We see “evil doers prosper and even those who challenge God escape.” We get angry as if we are spotless saints. Meanwhile we ourselves have said harsh things against the Lord. In the present quagmire in which we […]

“To God Be The Glory!”

“To God Be The Glory!” One definition of mission says that we have to identify what God wants to do and where, then we go there and do it for him. This means we must be attentive to hear his voice so that we do not listen to the voice of a stranger! After using […]