“To God Be The Glory!”


“To God Be The Glory!”
One definition of mission says that we have to identify what God wants to do and where, then we go there and do it for him. This means we must be attentive to hear his voice so that we do not listen to the voice of a stranger!
After using the axe to split wood, you end up showing the pile of split wood as the fruit of your labour. Yet the split wood is a combination of your effort and that of the axe. You however take it for granted that the axe is a tool in your hands.
In the same way we are tools in God’s hands. Whatever we achieve is according to how God allows us or empowers us to attain it.
It is important to reward labour and ingenuity, but it must be borne in mind that it is neither by might nor by power, but simply by God’s Spirit!
After all is said and done, when you have done what you have done, you just have to say, “I am an unworthy servant, I have only done my duty”(Lk. 17:7-10).
My friend, it’s still about humility! It’s all about acknowledging that there is somebody who does things through you! If you are ingenious, creative and visionary; if you are powerful or wealthy, do not forget that you are merely a tool in God’s hands! Just as you take the glory for splitting the wood, even though it was actually the axe engaging with the wood, so too let God receive the glory for whatever you achieve because you merely did your duty!
It is God who made all your fingers and he knew why he decided to make them unequal in length! Like clay in the potter’s hands you can’t boast about the vessel you’ve been made into or the function you perform! Each new day, each new portfolio, each new assignment is an opportunity to thank God for using you the way he has decided to!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, humble me through your Holy Spirit so that I should know that I can do what I do only in so far as you did it through me. Receive all the glory in Jesus’ name! Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
