“Last Words: The Great Commission For The Grand Mission!”


“Last Words: The Great Commission For The Grand Mission!”(Mt.28:16-20).
I found this????interesting piece of information about satellite: “Like every other machine, satellites do not last forever. Whether their job is to observe weather, measure greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, or point away from Earth to study the stars, eventually all satellites grow old, wear out, and die, just like old washing machines and vacuum cleaners.
So what happens when a trusty satellite’s time has come? These days there are two choices, depending on how high the satellite is. For the closer satellites, engineers will use its last bit of fuel to slow it down. That way, it will fall out of orbit and burn up in the atmosphere.
The second choice is to send the satellite even farther away from Earth. It can take a lot of fuel for a satellite to slow down enough to fall back into the atmosphere. That is especially true if a satellite is in a very high orbit. For many of these high satellites, it takes less fuel to blast it farther into space than to send it back to Earth.”
This second choice of destroying the satellite by sending it farther away from the Earth kind of challenges the gravitational law that “what goes up must come down.”
Again, this second choice is a lesson that science has not provided all the answers which is available only by faith. Destroying a satellite by sending it farther away from Earth means science does not quite know with certainty what is farther away from Earth. There is a point at which science probably satisfy itself by mere conjecture. Here scientists may depend on probabilities than facts.
New galaxies are still being discovered. And surely we have not yet heard the last of it! By 2020 it was only estimated that there are about two trillion galaxies. Even so, there are still many more questions than answers and science cannot claim a monopoly of knowing it all when in itself it is limited. (Pardon me for saying what I don’t know any iota of)!
Today we commemorate the Ascenssion of the Lord Jesus Christ into heaven. The Ascension does not actually challenge Newton’s law that what goes up must come down. Rather. the Ascension aligns with Newton. If “what goes up must come down,” then “what comes down must go up!”
Jesus Christ came down from heaven to earth and when it was time he returned from earth to heaven.
Jesus knew that doubting Thomases will not believe it, so he gathered the apostles in one place so that they should witness the Ascension and to become witnesses of what they saw and what they learned from him.
Jesus’ last words to them and us is the Great Commision for a Grand Mission with an assurance of his constant presence as Life Insurance.
May we in thought, word and deed continue to execute the mission of the great commission by growing the discipleship of the Lord Jesus Christ teaching them so that all mankind may come to obey everything that the Lord has commanded us. Hallelujah!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ thank you for the assurance of your constant presence as we execute your mission. Amen!
Have a blessed and happy Ascension Day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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