“Obey The Law That Liberates…!”

“Obey The Law That Liberates…!”Pharisees were not usually in alignment with Jesus’ approach to the law. Ironically they were always close by wherever Jesus was; particularly on the Sabbath. If they listened or watched Jesus and his disciples, it was either to trap him or to accuse him (Mt.12:1-8).Jesus contested the Pharisaic interpretation of scripture […]

“Complement Your Sunday Rest With Just And Righteous Actions!”

“Complement Your Sunday Rest With Just And Righteous Actions!”Mrs Dze is a poor widow whose husband left her with very little to take care of their two young children. Her late husband’s junior brother who happens to be wealthy insists on grabbing the little inheritance from her if she refuses to marry him. She took […]

“Keep The Lord’s Day Honorable!”

“Keep The Lord’s Day Honorable!”Life is about cause and effect. What we often are is the effect caused by what we did or were. Life is about choices and consequences. What we reap is the effect of what we sowed.We always have options and the choices we make determine the consequences that become our reality.Today […]

“Rest On The Day Of Rest!”

“Rest On The Day Of Rest!”“…By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done”(Gen.2:1-3).The above verses […]

“Pursue True Worship!”

“Pursue True Worship!”We have just celebrated International Day of peace. My Church like yours were surely at the forefront of peace sloganeering.Unfortunately, my Church like yours may be torn apart and being fragmented with hatred, vengeance and “I will deal with you” syndrome!Some gifted people have deliberately been dumped in some interior places where their […]