“Repent Or Perish!”

“Repent Or Perish!” Once upon a time people drank end danced on the streets when gossip had it that somebody had died. And my worry then as it is now is why would anybody rejoice over the death of another person? I had this old man in my quarter who was my friend. I bet […]

“God’s Grace Has Come To You!”

“God’s Grace Has Come To You!” I have just come to understand a deeper meaning when Paul states in his letter to the Corinthians that one man sows and another man waters but it is God who gives the growth. This goes deeper beyond one man gathering and another one nurturing! It goes to the […]

“What Do You Find In The Scriptures?”

“What Do You Find In The Scriptures?” Last evening as we gathered to light the Christmas tree at the Synod office compound our chaplain told us that a candle loses nothing by lighting (an)other candles. More than this a candle burns itself to extinction just to produce light that benefits others and not self. Executors […]

“Let Your Work Be An Evidence For Who And What You Are!”

“Let Your Work Be An Evidence For Who And What You Are!” In the gospels of Matthew and John, John the Baptist knew who Jesus was (cf. Mtt. 3:13-15& Jn. I:29-34). On their part Mark and Luke do not directly tell us whether John the Baptist knew Jesus in person. However Luke says that as […]

“Christ Must Become Greater, I Must Become Less!”

“Christ Must Become Greater, I Must Become Less!” When the leader of a symphony orchestra was asked which instrument lacked players, he answered, “Second fiddle. Everybody wants to play first fiddle.” In our time it is not just that each person wants to be seen as the best, we the wo/men of God do encourage […]