“You Give Them Something To Eat!”


“You Give Them Something To Eat!”(Mk. 6:32-44).
Jesus had just asked the apostles to withdraw from the bustling maddening crowd to a quiet place and have some rest. They went in a boat to a solitary place, but the crowd recognized them and arrived before them. “…When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things…”
A quiet place, a solitary place is not only for rest, it is also a place for refilling. We all need quiet and solitary places where we can have rest and be refueled.
However, once Jesus saw the crowd he read spiritual hunger on their faces. He had compassion for them. They were like sheep without a shepherd. They came because in Jesus they heard the word of life. They came because they saw in Jesus the source of life.
They were held spellbound with the teaching of Jesus, such that night overtook them. The disciples asked Jesus to send them away so that they could go into the villages and have some food and shelter for the night.
Jesus answered the disciples, “You give them something to eat.” They were surprised for such an unrealistic request from Jesus, but with God nothing is impossible. And that is how with five loaves and two fish, Jesus looked up to heaven, gave thanks and fed five thousand people and yet there was twelve baskets full of bread and fish that remained.
The Lord Jesus Christ takes care of both the spiritual and physical needs of those who come to him. He does not send them away at their times of need. He gives us food and meets our physical needs when we come to him.
We should however note that the primary concern of Jesus was not to satisfy the people’s hunger. When he saw them, he had compassion on them. But his compassion caused him to teach them many things. But when it was getting late, he decided to give them someting to eat.
It is true that man does not live by bread alone, but man cannot also live by the word of God alone. We need the bread to stay alive so as to continue in the things of God.
My friend, even today, the Lord Jesus Christ satisfies both our spiritual and physical needs. His compassion causes him to provide spiritual filling and moral empowering to those who run after him. And when we are hungry in his presence he does not send us away hungry! He gives us something to eat. He is our way maker, ensuring that he satisfies the needs of those who seek his face in faith, truth and righteousness.
So, what is it that is holding you down and has become your nightmare? Bring it to the compassionate Lord Jesus Christ in penitence, faith and confidence. Pour it out to him and with hope and trust go back with thanksgiving in your heart!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, we come to you bruised and empty, fill us Lord till we want no more. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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