“Worry About The Kingdom Of God And His Righteousness!”


“Worry About The Kingdom Of God And His Righteousness!”(Mt.6:24-34).
Two weeks of lockdown has not been easy for those of us living in Ground Zero(GZ). We hear of pockets of deaths here and there of people who violated the lockdown. The future is pregnant and we do not know the kind of baby(ies) to expect. But it seems like the birth will bring us much pain and sorrow.
Thank you all for your kind words and prayers on the occasion of my Diamond plus ++ birthday. My people say, “Pretend that you are dead and you will know those who will mourn you when you die.” I have seen and now I know those who will say “RIP” when I transit to meet our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Above all, thank you for ensuring that Ba Nelson G, a blind childless old man spend his last days in comfort.
Coming from a poor but loving home I’ve never known when I did not have one kind of worry or the other. I remember once when during an occasion in my maternal grandfather’s house I sat supporting my jaw with one hand. My grandfather said people who sit in that posture are thinking and worrying too much about nothing. If it is true that wine gets better with age, I’ve not seen how aging has taught me to stop thinking and worrying about one thing or the other.
The other day I was in a phone conversation with a sister and friend. She told me about the death of her uncle. She told me that she has never seen anyone living a carefree life like her uncle. She said she can remember that in all her life she had not given up to 5,000 francs CFA to that uncle. And he only asked her such money to buy cigarettes or mimbo. I asked her if he was not married and if he didn’t have children. She told me he had well-to-do children out of wedlock, but the upbringing of those children were never his concern.
You know the best part of the story? She said she admired her uncle’s way of life. “He did not give to anybody, he did not ask from anybody, he did not expect from anybody and did not expect anybody to expect from him.
Society has a name for such people. We call them “irresponsible!”
In my Diamond plus years the one thing I’ve come to know is that “worrying over anything changes nothing!”
Sometimes you think that it is a life and death matter to solve a problem before a certain deadline. You fret yourself, run up and down and you are not able to meet that deadline. The deadline arrives, you do not solve the problem, but the sky does not fall on you.
Unfortunately the lessons we learn from such experiences do not stop our worrying. The sad and the most worrying part of it is that in life we keep creating situations that will keep us awake most part of the night! We are the reason for our worries! We are the cause of our worries! We bring lizard infested wood into our compounds and complain about lizards invading the compound.
Dear friend, whoever has good plans for the future cannot stop worrying. But do not let the worry about tomorrow steal the joy of today.
The Lord Jesus Christ says we are branches of a tree which cannot survive without the tree being deeply rooted in the soil. If there is any worrying to be done, let the Lord be the one to do the worrying.
You see, a Bishop stayed up late in the night worrying about the fate of his parishioners. God came to him and told him, ‘Bishop, go to sleep and leave the worrying with me.”
Worrying about tomorrow changes nothing. Worrying about tomorrow only deprives you of the joy and serenity of the present.
Our Lord says, “Do not worry about your life…Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?…” Rather, “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Yes my friend, enjoy the moment. Do not allow the worries about tomorrow steal your joy of the moment.
One important lesson: Submit your plans to the LORD and allow him to plan for you. Whoever does not plan with God plans to fail.
Sunday prayer: LORD, I submit my plans to you. Show me the way and have it done your own way. Amen!
Have a happy and blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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