“Watch Out For The Colossian Heresy!”


“Watch Out For The Colossian Heresy!”(Col.2:16-23).
Heresy in the context of use here; and in it’s simplest understanding is belief or opinion contrary to Christian doctrine. However more and more it is noted that Heresy is “contested interpretation.” What is heretical is often determined by those in authority who themselves are often shallow in scriptural knowledge.
In the days of the Revival of late Prof. Bame Bame in PC Bastos, Yaounde, my PS at the time, Rev Dr. I.S. Elangwe used to say strongly, “This is not Presbyterian!” I often wondered what is Presbyterian, but I was a young ordinary pastor and couldn’t argue with my one time teacher.
Later he became the Dean of PTS Kumba and I became a lecturer there too. I was no longer the diploma pastor who was with him in Yaounde. I could stand my ground as a theologian of African Systematic theology.
When it came again to the issue of the “Revival Palava” not being Presbyterian, I asked him, “What is Presbyterianism?”
The question is still floating because denominational doctrines cannot supersede biblical prescription, except such doctrines align with scriptures. Unfortunately by the time denominational authorities decide on certain doctrines none present has an open Bible.
The Bible composition spans a long period of time with authors coming in from different generations and some having written without full knowledge of previous authors. They were inspired within their time to address specific evils of their time.
Their relevance to us and in all generations is that “man is evil by nature,” and had the tendency of moving away from God and should be reminded that “this is the way, follow it.”
That notwithstanding, heresy may be contested interpretation but heretical teachings do exist. It is always important to sound the Caveat!
The Colossian heresy is like a wolf dressed in sheepskin. It advocates a
kind of false humility and piety that has nothing to do with salvation in Christ. “Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.”
If we have died with Christ we have died to the basic principles of this world. We no longer have to submit to the rules of “Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!” We are not supposed to let anyone judge us by what we eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival etc. “These are a shadow of the things to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.”
In Christ there is freedom from all such bondages, but remember: All things may be permissible but not all things are beneficial!
Dear friend, study the word of God so that you do not become a victim of the Colossian heresy or any kind of modern heresy!
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit help me to remain in the reality that is found only in Christ. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Prayer point: Pray that false teachers should not lead you into heresy!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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