“Train Yourself In Godliness…!”


“Train Yourself In Godliness…!”(I Tim.4:6-10).
We often spend time, wasting energy and intellect on trivialities. Some of the things we spent time arguing over end up not changing anything or adding value to our faith.
Biblical godless myths which people often waste time and energy to argue about include: a snake talking and being able to convince humanbeings to sin; questions like, “Where did Cain’s wife come from?”; “Why would Canaan be punished because his father Ham saw the nakedness of his own father Noah?” Etc!
The question to ask for our health and faith is, “How does any of these argument-generating issues add to our spiritual wellbeing?
We are not skilled to understand what God had willed and what he had planned. We only know that at his right hand stands one who is our Saviour. Even then, we can still run on shallow waters if we want to find out whether there was no other way for God to take, other than that Christ should leave his place on high and come to die for us sinful humanity?
We just have to take God at his word and deed that Christ died to save us.
Yes; godless myths adds nothing to our faith. Rather, it creates doubts and confusion and leads us astray!
The same applies with “old wives’ tale.” An old wives’ tale is a tale that is “a supposed truth, but is actually a superstition.” Capitalizing on such tales may lead to the formulation of wrong doctrines, leading us away from the light of the gospel.
Againsts these, Paul advises:“Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales…”
Instead of wasting time on godless myths and old wives’ tales, we should ” rather train yourself in godliness.”
“…Godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come…” Meaning that godliness is what adds meaning to our existence, both now and hereafter.
My friend, what we should labour and strive for is this: “We have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men,and especially of those who believe.”
Yes, he may be the Savior of all men, but the saved are those who believe. Note that godliness is not acquired. It needs training in. Therefore, train yourself in godliness so that your belief may be concretized. Then we can happily sing: “My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ blood and righteousness…On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”
Prayer: Holy Spirit lead me away from godless myths; help me to add value to my faith through training in godliness. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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