“The LORD Is Always In Control!”


“The LORD Is Always In Control!”(Prv.16:1-9).
“The LORD works out everything for his own ends – even the wicked for a day of disaster”(16:4).
The Africans who challenge God in the majority are in the villages. They are found mostly within dance groups or what is commonly called “juju.” (The word “Juju” especially referring to a masquerade or traditional religion is derogatory and biased).
Like we said, villagers are in the majority of Africans who do not trust in the omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence of God.
But as it is, God by any name remains God because he is a God of many names.
The above quoted verse from today’s text is an apt summary of the LORD’s sovereignty over every human thought and action. Each verse of the first seven verses of our text uses God’s Holy name “YAHWEH.” Since the name is not to pronounced constantly, it is replaced with “LORD.” Proverbs 16 is the middle chapter of the book. Each of the first seven verses features the name YAHWEH, stressing his supreme position as LORD over all.
The LORD is sovereign in every life and in all of history. He displays his power even through the wicked and all evil will be judged.
Obedience and submission to the will of the LORD is vital for daily living and is a condition for eternal bliss. That is why in our hearts we make our plans, but it is the LORD who enables the reply of the tongue.
Since he is sovereign over everything, he is the one who weighs our motives even when our ways seem right in our own eyes.
You are nothing without God, but if you commit your plans to him you meet with success. Obedience to God requires humility because he detests proud people.
When we fear God we avoid evil, when we show love our sins are atoned for.
Dear friend, make your ways pleasing to God and he will cause your enemies to be at peace with you. Avoid injustice and be contented with what is from the LORD.
Whatever your plans, submit to the LORD, because he is the one who determines your steps.
Our Lord Jesus Christ puts it this way: “…apart from me you can do nothing”(Jn.15:5b).
Prayer: Holy Spirit guide my steps in the LORD’S chosen path. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Prayer point: Pray that the Holy Spirit should help us to know more and more that without the LORD we are nothing.
Rev Babila Fochang.



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