“Pay Attention To The Message Of Salvation!”


“Pay Attention To The Message Of Salvation!”(Heb.2:5-9).
Our message is an attempt to clarify in context the clarification of Psalm 8 by the writer of the letter to the Hebrews.
God made man a little lower than heavenly beings(angels), but heavenly beings are not mentioned in the creation story. This supposes that they are included among the those who were at creation when God said, “Let us make man in image, in our likeness…”(Gen.1:26).
These heavenly beings contributed to the corruption of the world when they came down to earth and married the beautiful daughters of men. This led to the destruction by flood (Gen.6:1-8).
In his original state man was answerable to God. But when he fell from grace by listening to the voice of a stranger, he became answerable to God through the angels.
Through Adam, the firstborn of creation we have all been contaminated with original sin. We find ourselves in a state where we lost direct communication with God. Salvation through the Law was communicated to Moses through angels.
Jesus Christ, the second Adam is the firstborn of the resurrection because he is crowned with glory and honour and everything (has been) put under his feet.”
By the grace of God Jesus the Christ has tasted death for all of us.
Therefore, as we prepare to receive him as a child at Christmas, we should keep reminding ourselves that he suffered death for us and had been crowned with glory and honor.
We must be subjected to him in order to regain the original state of man; living in the erstwhile paradise that was lost. “From Paradise Lost” To “Paradise Regained.”
To stand firm, Jesus the Christ is the only shoulder to lean on in total obedience.
Prayer: Holy Spirit guide us spiritually as we await the commemoration of the birth of Christ the King. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



“Saved By The Gardener!”

“Saved By The Gardener!”(Lk. 13:6-9).Time frames are important for project visions. To be sure that goals would be realized within given time frames, there is

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