“No gods Alongside God!”(Ex. 20:23).
Human beings are a superior species among all of God’s creation because they are created in the image ofGod. Of all God’s created creatures human beings are the only ones to intelligently have organised religions like many other things.
Does that mean that animals do not have any knowledge of their creator? If they do, is it possible that they have a way of reaching him?
We cannot speak for the religiosity of animals, but we can speak for Human beings that they are religious. Africans in particular are “notoriously religious.” And they can easily find relevance in a new religion, but they carry along the baggage of their old religion to the new one.
A perplexing question is, “Why is it that after people already have a full knowledge of the Supreme God they still continue in idolatory?”
God told Moses to tell the Israelites,“…Do not make any gods to be alongside me; do not make for yourselves gods of silver or gods of gold.”
Despite their full understanding of the Almighty God, the Israelites never completely rid themselves of idolatory.
You too, have you completely rid yourself of idolatory? Think we’ll, and remind yourself that whatever is priority in your life other than God makes you an idolater.
Idols are not only those made of wood, silver or gold.
God’s word through Moses to the people was “Do not make any gods alongside me.”
The word “alongside” means coexisting at the same time. If you make a god of something – even if it is according to you a mere representation of Christ or God himself, that object becomes a God or an idol alongside God.
Many Christians will tell you that they do not worship idols, but whatever you consider as offering protection alongside God is a replacement of God. Looking up to a crucifix or a cross or a painting of Christ is an idol alongside Christ. Believing in the potency of anointing oil and holy water is an idol alongside God.
Believing in Christ through whom the Father has revealed himself to us is enough. We do not need any image to strengthen our faith, for that will be tantamount to a god alongside God.
Christ is enough for us with the Holy Spirit being always there to guide, lead, equip and guard us.
Prayer of the day and week: Holy Spirit help in keeping us away from thoughts of having other gods alongside God. Amen!
Welcome back to a new working day and week! Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
“Follow Me II!
“Follow Me II!(Mt.9:9-13).Today we are reflecting on the call of Matthew in the gospel according to Matthew. Matthew is sitting at the tax collector’s booth.