“Merry Christmas!”


“Merry Christmas!”(I Jn.1:1-4).
It is Christmas Day 2023. Merry Christmas.
On this Christmas day we are reminded that “the people walking in darkness have seen a great light…”(Is.9:2ff).
A lesson to learn from sources of light is that these sources do not directly benefit from the lights they emit. We are thinking of natural sources of light like sun, moon and the stars; and artificial light sources that are man-made like candlelight, light bulbs, etc.
None of these light emitters benefit from what they send out. A candle burns itself out to provide light to others but benefits nothing in return.
Christ the light is for all nations, but even though he was preexistent, the world fails to recognize him. “His own does not receive him. Yet to all who receive him, to those who believe in his name, he gives them the right to become children of God”(Jn.1:5-14).
Those who believe in him should keep spreading the news because good news is worth sharing.
There is joy in proclaiming good tidings of joy.
Like any source of light, Christ emptied himself for us so that we too should empty ourselves to bring others into the fold.
May the light of Christ shine in the dark recesses where people live in trepidation and uncertainty.
Christmas day prayer: Dear God in Christ, make us feel the impact of the light as you quell the maddening crowd surrounding us. Amen!
Blessings, peace and love! Merry Christmas!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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