“May The Lord Find You Innocent!”


“May The Lord Find You Innocent!”(Dan.6:20-28).
Exiled Daniel had been thrown into a lions’ den on trumped-up charges against him by those who wanted his downfall. Daniel had not done anything wrong except that he chose to be faithful to his God in the land of exile.
The king who himself considered Daniel a righteous man came to check whether the God whom Daniel served faithfully had saved him. Daniel answered the king, “…My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I done any wrong before you, O king.”
The name “Bumlangmia” (my “cornbeer name”) of Mubako speakers means, “I am surrounded by enemies.” We are always surrounded by those who want us to be thrown into the lions’ den.
However, our enemies cannot get the best of us because we have been thrown into a lions’ den; as long as we are found innocent in God’s sight and we have not done any wrong before the king.
Those who dig pits for others to be put in, are advised not to make the pit too deep since they may be the ones to be thrown into the pits as happened to Daniel’s detractors!
My friend, serve God continually, do no wrong against anybody and the Lord will rescue you from any kind of modern day lions’ den. Detractors, take note that falses accusers end up being thrown into the den together with their wives and children, and are devoured instantly by the ravenous lions.
God’s saving act in our lives must serve as an evangelistic tool whereby it will be declared far and wide that “all the peoples, nations and men of every nation throughout the land…must fear and reverence the God of Daniel…”
Prayer: Holy Spirit lead me to serve the Lord faithfully and rescue me from the fowler’s snare. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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