“May The Holy Spirit Unfold God’s Divine Plan Through You!”


“May The Holy Spirit Unfold God’s Divine Plan Through You!”
It is likely that in Nazareth and all of Israel it could not have been considered that one day Mary would become the most talk-about Lady in all the world. Mary was betrothed to a local carpenter, meaning she was not coming from a well-to-do family. Though the ancestry of Joseph, the would-be husband has been traced back to David and further back to Abraham (Mt.1:1-17), it was so far back to be remembered that Joseph had royal blood. Even so, the genealogy of Joseph does not become that of Jesus because he was not the biological Father of Jesus. But what happened to Mary teaches us that when you have found favour with God there is nothing impossible that he cannot do for you through the Holy Spirit.
When the angel appeared to Mary in what is known as “the Annunciation,” he greeted her with respect: “Greetings, you who are highly favoured. The Lord is with you.” As Mary wondered what kind of greeting this was, the angel further assured her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favour with God…” Mary wondered further how her the announced pregnancy could be possible since she was still a virgin, the angel told her, “nothing is impossible with God.”
Mary’s answer to the angel is a lesson in humility to us all. “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said”(Lk.1:26-38).
Maybe it does not take your effort to be highly favoured or to find favour with God, but it surely needs your humility, devotion, commitment and submission to God for his will to manifest in your life.
You may have arrived that point where it seems you won’t make it in life. That is not true! While you are thinking that all is wasted years of meaningless drudgery, God is detailing Gabriel to come announce to you that you are soon to be the talk-about around town.
You may think that your dreams are “a future impossible tense, a la Cameroon,” but the angel of the Lord is come to assure you, “Do not be afraid, nothing is impossible with God. You are highly favoured! The Lord is with you!” It is neither by might nor by strength but by God’s Holy Spirit!
“Today in my congregation like in many other congregations we are rounding up with Harvest Thanksgiving. Have you considered that the Lord has highly favoured you? Do you remind yourself that the Lord is with you? Have you allowed him to use you the way he wants? Think about all these things and ask yourself whether what you have given as thanksgiving is near commensurate to the blessings you have received!
Yes, he is with us! He is Emmanuel!
Invite God’s glory to manifest through you with this simple confessional prayer: “Lord, I am your servant, may it be to me as you have planned. Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you! Merry Christmas!
