“Living Under God’s Grace And Anointing!”


“Living Under God’s Grace And Anointing!”(Is.44:21-23).
God’s amazing grace is well reflected in the life of Jacob. While still in their mother’s womb he fought for a superior position. As a boy, he was an overspoilt sit-at-home little brat. He won’t even give his hardworking brother a little porridge, unless his brother surrendered his birthright to him. To make things worst, he stole his brother’s blessings.
Afraid of his brother’s wrath, he ran away to his uncle. He did all these things with the complicity of his mother.
Being the schemer that he was he manipulated and had more cattle than his uncle.
Even though it was not his intention, he had to marry two sisters. He also took their maids as his concubines.
Yet, he was still favoured by God. He was under God’s grace and anointing. He was a fighter, a go-getter! That is why he became Israel.
His offspring Israel as a people carried his genes and wouldn’t behave diffetently, but they too were under God’s grace and anointing.
Without grace and mercy we are nothing. The LORD in his feminine attribute is a loving mother who washes the excrement on his laps and still embraces the baby with love.
Like the LORD said to Jacob and Israel of old, “You are my servant…I have made you, you are my servant…I will not forget you. I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist…”
To show the depth of his love and the pain he feels by our enstrangement through sin, he continues, “Return to me for I have redeemed you.”
Our redemption should be a cause for great joy wherein even the heavens should sing for joy, the earth should shout aloud, and the mountains with its forests and all its trees should burst into song “for the LORD has redeemed” us and displayed his glory for the world to see. (Calling the inanimate creation to join in praising God should ring an alarm bell that we should be mindful of our stewardship of the earth and all that is in it)!
Yes, we are the reddemed of the LORD! I thought we should remind ourselves of the word “redeem.” It means “to compensate for the faults or bad aspects of…”, or “to gain or regain possession of something in exchange for payment.”
In the first meaning the death of the Son of God, Jesus the Christ compensated for our sins. In the second meaning we regained paradise lost in exchange with the death of Jesus as payment. From “Paradise Lost” to “Paradise Regained; thanks to the love of God and the obedience of his Son!” Hallelujah!
Through the presence of the Holy Spirit God’s redeeming grace constantly reminds us of his unbounded love.
My friend, Key verse for today: “Return to me for I have redeemed you.:
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for redeeming grace in Jesus Christ through the workings of the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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