“Knowing The Truth That Liberates!’


“Knowing The Truth That Liberates!”(Jn.8:31-45).
This weekend was quite hectic for us PCC pastors who work in Bali and those who are of Bali origin. And so yesterday Saturday 18th November we laid to rest our senior colleague Rev Fomuso Buma Foncham Henri. May his soul and that of all the faithful departed rest in the bosom of father Abraham.
We all fade away like the flowers of the morning, and are going to be remembered only for what we have done. And what we have done depends on who we accept as master and do his will.
There are only two masters who rule the world. It is either you are on the LORD’S side or you are on the side of Satan. There is no via-media way; no sitting on the fence.
Like I was saying, we laid Rev Fomuso Buma Foncham Henri to rest yesterday. I knew him from a distance until when I was Chaplain of PSS Bafut where he was Principal. We worked together for just one year, but it was one year of great learning from him as a senior pastor.
Maybe the greatest learning I’ve received from him is during his funeral yesterday. Some few years back I carried out a research, on the life of late PCC Moderator, the Very Rev Jeremiah Chi Kangsen. In the course of the research I stumbled upon some of his sermons which I edited and published as “Preaching From The Grave.” Yes, dead people can still be great preachers and teachers even in their graves.
The order of worship for the Wake and funeral service of Rev Fomuso Buma Foncham Henri was prepared by himself in its fullest details. He even highlighted some of the things that should be mentioned in the sermon based on the text he had selected.
We are not saying that he did the best of things. Far from it, we are saying that this was a man who knew where he came from, firm in his conviction in what he believed, knowing where he was going and being certain that the master he served is waiting to receive him in his kingdom.
This Reverend gentleman knew that he was a true descendant of Abraham – albeit by adoption.
At the finish of creation “God saw all that he had made and it was very good”(1:31). Sadly though, in that “very good” was a tinge of bad. And that was Satan who turned out to become God’s rival, almost always having his way to lure us away from God.
Dear friend, like we said earlier, we are going to be remembered for what we have done. But what kind of remembrance will that be? Mussolini, Hitler, Bonaparte and many other tyrants and murderers are also remembered for what they did. I guess it should not be our portions to be like them.
Who do you belong to? Do you belong to your father the devil or do you believe and hold to the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ?
*Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and *”you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”*
Unless we make a conscious effort to know the truth that sets us free, we would forever be slaves to sin.
Sunday prayer: Holy Spirit lead me daily to hold on to the teachings of Christ so that I may know the truth that liberates. Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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