“Heirs Of God And Co-heirs With Christ!”


“Heirs Of God And Co-heirs With Christ!”(Rom.14-17).
Years ago I exchanged a piece of Fochang family land for cash. Those with affinities to the Fochang heritage reminded me that I had no right since my father was an adopted heir. Agreed; my father was adopted by his maternal uncle to succeed the Fochang stool. This is because his uncle Fochang II had no son. The relatives to the Fochang stool were thus reminding me that as the son of an adopted father, I needed their consent before doing what I did.
I stunned them when I told them that my father was the adopted one. As for me I was a freeborn to the Fochang stool which I’m occupying as Fochang IV. (The setting is a patrilineal context).
This was not to prove that my action was justified. I used part of the money to operate a cafeteria which I named, Legacy Exchange. I used the rest to educate myself. Owning up to my mistake I promised them that in future I’ll return the land much more – which I have done.
I used this family story as an anecdote to point out the challenges of an adopted heir.
An adopted heir may have the latitude to do whatever, but there is that stigma of being reminded that you were adopted.
The letter to the Romans gives believers a prestigious position as adopted heirs. If we are led by the Spirit we become sons of God. We have received the Spirit of sonship. The Spirit testifies with our spirits that we are God’s children. And “if we are God’s children, then we are heirs – heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”
We cannot call God “Father,” if we have not been made sons by the Spirit.
We cannot claim any filial attachment to God if we have not put to death the sinful nature.
Being a new creation in Christ is living the life that Christ lived and died with.
We cannot do this by ourselves, only the Spirit works in us, transforming us to make us what God in Christ wants us to become.
As we pray to move away from presumptuous sin, we continue to solicit the Spirit to lead us away from from unintentional sin as well.
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me to make myself worthy of my prestigious status of co-heir with the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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