“Happy New Year 2025!”


“Happy New Year 2025!”(Is.51:1-3).
The other day, when I apologised for using the wrong date, a friend suggested that I write something on “What is in a date?”
Indeed, what is in a date? Today, we are celebrating 1st January 2025. The “year thing” is based on the Gregorian calendar.
In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII introduced what is now called the Gregorian calendar to replace the Julian calendar, which had been in use since 46 BC.
The new year 2025 we are celebrating today is based on the Gregorian calendar, which is used by the majority world to divide the year into months, weeks, and to number the years.
In some countries, today is not 1st January. Even where the Gregorian calendar is used, time zones differ. The year became new to us when some countries still had to wait for about one hour, running up to about half a day.
Indeed, there is nothing in a date. God’s time is not calendarial. A thousand days to God is just like a day gone by.
God’s six days of creation was not based on the gregorian calendar. Maybe it was not even based on the Hebrew calendar. There was yet no calendar time.
Given that what is agreed on earth is bound in heaven, a day like this deserves thanksgiving and joyful celebration to God who owns the reason for our celebration. Ironically, many may not be able to be in his presence because of the hangover of misdirected jubilation.
On this day, the LORD is kindling our hope of a tomorrow that is best than today and yesterday.
Remember Abraham and Sarah? At their old age, they were just a lonely, frustrated couple. But the LORD changed their story!
My friend, as you move on in this new year, pursue righteousness, look to the solid rock from which you were cut, and the LORD will change your story.
Remember: “No pain, no gain!” God is going to bless the works of your hands, which means he is interested in the work you do! “If you must whistle, you have to swell your jaws.” To promote hard work, the Lord Jesus Christ says we should ask, seek, and knock” (Mt.7:7f).
Yes, the year is going to be a blessed one to those who pursue righteousness and who ask, seek, and knock!
Through “our Lord Jesus Christ, that great Shepherd of the sheep,” God “will equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him…”(Heb.13:20-21).
New Year prayer: Thank you, LORD, for your promise of comfort, compassion, and restoration that will bring us joy and gladness, and thanksgiving. Amen!
Welcome into a new year! Have a blessed new year! Peace be with you! Happy New Year!
Rev Babila Fochang!



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