“Forgive The Sinner, Let Satan Not Outwit Us!”


“Forgive The Sinner, Let Satan Not Outwit Us!”(II Cor.2:5-11).
Nubonyin” is a Mumgaka name which explains that life can turn around for anyone at any time. When you see somebody in trouble you should be sympathetic because tomorrow may be your turn. “Akweweuh” is another name asking, “Who well?’
So long as we are humans, we all stumble and fall at one time or the other. When somebody has done wrong and is disciplined, that wrong should not become his identity for life.
God may have expelled us from Eden, but there is no love lost between him and us. We fell from grace and out of grace, but it is the same grace that has found us and brought us back to God.
God is a father who, if he slaps on one cheek, kisses on the other cheek. After having used a cane on a child, any loving parent would still comfort the child, ask him not to cry again and embrace the child with arms of love.
We have known cases of both clergies and laity who received severe sanctions and because of such sanctions they turned into something else. There is a trending social media story of a man whose phone mistakenly rang in church during a worship service. The rebuke he received from the rank and file in the congregation pushed him out of the Church service. As he was going home in dejection he entered a drinking spot. He had never entered such a place before. He was given a warm welcome by both the seller and other customers. Whatever happened in the bar that day caused him to become a regular in that bar, meanwhile he never stepped foot in the Church again.
The stern discipline on a brother gives an opportunity for Satan to outwit us. We should be aware that stern disciplinary measures is a scheme that Satan uses to outwit us, “we are not unaware of his schemes.”
Church discipline is a sine qua non, but it should not be exaggerated. Church discipline is intended for correction and restoration. We have not been called to play God and stand in judgment on others with the intent to condemn rather than pardon. By the way, who among us who sit in judgment can with a free conscience cast the first stone – unless it is a projection of our own interiority?
Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness!
Paul’s admonishment to the Corinthians should serve as a yardstick concerning forgiveness of the person who has wronged the congregation. “…The punishment inflicted on him by the majority is sufficient for him. Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. I urge you, therefore, to reaffirm your love for him…in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.”
Bottom line: Forgive and comfort the sinner. Do not allow him to be overwhelmed with excessive sorrow! Reaffirm love for him. Do not allow Satan to outwit us by our lack of forgiveness!
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit inspire us towards forgiveness so that Satan would not outwit us. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Prayer point: Pray that the goal of Church discipline should always be corrective and restorative, rather than being judgmental.
Rev Babila Fochang.



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