“Follow The Example Of Jesus Christ In Shepherding The Flock!”


“Follow The Example Of Jesus Christ In Shepherding The Flock!”
It has been said that if you want it to be done well, do it yourself. Most times hired hands care little about what happens after the job has been done. All they are interested in is their pay.
I have had opportunity to be on the interview panels to recruit students for the seminary. A question that is unavoidably asked is, “Why do you want to become a pastor?” The most common answer, “I had a call to serve the Lord.” God does not call us to serve him only by being ministers. Scriptures say “…whatever your task, work heartily as serving the Lord and not men!”
Jesus sets a different standard concerning the care of souls: selfless and sacrificial service.
May be we cannot compare with Jesus because as he says, “I am the good shepherd.” This is one of those “I Am” words which the religious authorities considered to be blasphemous.
However, his example of shepherding is what we should emulate.
1.Know each sheep by name, not just some. Sometimes we seek to know only the rich and influential sheep. It shouldn’t be so!

  1. Be ready to die for the sheep. In the face of danger do not abandon the sheep and run away!
  2. Search for other sheep that are not yet in the pen and bring them in. Sometimes we remain waiting for the Christians to come meet us in church instead of going out there searching for those who are not yet in. Worst is that we often build barriers amongst us Christians because we think others do not align with us! All mainline churches were once sects! Christianity itself started as a sect of Judaism. Let us spend our time seeing how all God’s children can harness their resources together and save lost souls, rather than the divisiveness that characterizes us today. Our work is to build bridges that connects and not burning bridges to disconnect from others! Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”(Jn.10:10-16). Jesus is refering to all the saved. In heaven we shall be known as followers of Christ and not by our denominations!
    Good shepherds help to bring together and not to scatter or run away in the face of danger.
    Prayer: Holy Spirit inspire me to follow the example of Jesus in shepherding. Amen!
    Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!


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