“Do Not Peddle The Word Of God For Profit!”


“Do Not Peddle The Word Of God For Profit…!”
Paul says, “we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life…” Aroma is defined as “a distinctive, typically pleasant smell,” or “a subtle, pervasive quality or atmosphere.” Is it that smell is relative? Otherwise how can a pleasant smell be a smell of the death to those who are perishing?
Death already occurs to those to whom the “aroma of Christ” smells negatively. It is God himself who leads his ministers “in triumphal procession in Christ” leading them to spread the fragrance of Christ everywhere.
Who is deserving of such a task? Deserving ministers are those who “do not peddle the word of God for profit…,” rather “in Christ they speak before God in sincerity, like men sent from God”(II Cor.2:14-17).
When Martin Luther challenged the sales of indulgence he was in a way challenging those who peddled the word of God for profit, just as Paul challenged those of his time.
Even in our generation souls of men are wandering like a band of frightened sheep. It is our responsibility that “in Christ we speak before God in sincerity, like men sent from God,” so that we become the aroma of Christ to those who are being saved!
The souls that are saved through the word which we offer for free should bear testimony to our ministry!
Prayer: Lord make me a competent minister of the new covenant as you write my name with the Spirit of the living God on human hearts. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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