“Do Not Be A Participant With Demons!”


“Do Not Be A Participant With Demons!”
In a certain village a contestant to the ruling throne was banished from the village. He however had a sympathizer who pretended to be loyal to the throne. He will be in the palace by day and by night he will travel to the banished prince to report all that happened in the palace. According to him nobody knew that he was a “double agent.” The ruling prince however knew everything about his nocturnal movements. He knighted the man with a name which translates, “Knight of the night!”
Paul advises that we cannot be knights of the night: “…I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in the Lord’s table and the table of demons.”
The cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks is a participation in the blood of Christ and the bread we break is a participation in the body of Christ. The body of Christ (the Church) is knit together “because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one body” (I Cor.10:16-22).
Traditional African society has a deep sense of oneness; people bond together when they eat from the same bowl and drink from the same cup. That is why in family reunions all family members drink from the one ancestral cup. In some villages, no matter the number of people present, they drink palmwine from one common cup. In other villages this oneness is demonstrated by pouring the drink into a common pot from whence it was then distributed for drinking.
Once you are part of this oneness you are not expected to share in any conspiracy against a member.
How great our Christianity can become if it is complemented by this African value!
My friend, the Lord’s Supper is a “love meal;” a meal to bind us together not only during a Communion service but in our entire Christian pilgrimage.
We defeat the purpose and fragment the body of Christ when after participating at the Lord’s table we rush to the table of “marabouts”, sorcerers, esoteric fraternities, etc where we receive charms, amulets and rings to use against the same people with whom we share the love meal! That is tantamount to arousing God’s jealousy, giving the impression that he is a powerless Lord than the lords whose powers we possess.
No my friend! You cannot have it both ways! We are where we are in this mess because we have all become knights of the night. As such we cannot stand firmly behind Christ and decry the evil that pervades the land because we fear rebukes and reprisals from the demons whose tables we share.
Make a choice and stand by it. You can’t have it both ways!
Prayer: Holy Spirit strengthen me so that my choice is the Lord’s table alone as I participate in the love meal in sincerity and truth. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!



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