“Disciples, Continue With The Threefold Mission Of Jesus Christ!”


“Disciples, Continue With The Threefold Mission Of Jesus Christ!”(Mt.4:23-25).
The threefold mission of Jesus was teaching, “preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness among the people.” The mission of his disciples should not be different from this threefold mission of Jesus that was his passion.
There is a sense in which preaching the good news of the kingdom teaches about the kingdom and this brings healing to those who are seeking the kingdom. The assurance of eternal life begins with the assurance that we know what eternity is all about. Abd that needs teaching which must be accompanied by the preaching that opens our understanding about the kingdom. To this end those who are physically sick must be made whole so that they can better appreciate what salvation entails.
Preaching is teaching that enlightens; enlightenment heals (nourishes the soul)!
The fire of evangelism must not be quenched in our generation. The teaching and the preaching must reach far and wide so that large crowds from accross the globe should follow Jesus. In a world where some consider that Christians are brainwashed gullible religious naivetes, we should in word, thought and deed make the news about Jesus spread all over.
As long as we are humans, we have one kind of infirmity or the other. Let us bring our sin-sick souls to Jesus and he will heal us. And when we are healed, let us follow him.
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit enable our teaching and preaching to bring healing to your children. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev. Babila Fochang.



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