“Crossing Our Red Sea II “


“Crossing Our Red Sea II!”(Ex. 14:21-29).
Rev Fandio was a part-time lecturer at the Presbyterian Theological College, Kumba when we were diploma students in that institution.
One of the jokes I fondly remember from him: “If you are an old man dancing Makossa with young people do not join them to dance down to the floor because you won’t be able to rise when they are rising.”
A young man was living in Douala when he bought his first car. He was an indigene of a very hilly and stony enclaved village of the country. He decided that come rain or shine he was driving the car to the village to show-off. He succeeded to wade his way through stones, descending steep inclines and got to the village. But the car remained there because it was difficult to manage to climb the stony hills back to good road.
It is common to go to the place of evil, but to come out is difficult.
The innocent have ease where the guilty are caught in a tangled web.
Yesterday we read how throughout the night the pillar of cloud brought light on the side of the Israelites and darkness to the other side so that all through the night neither of the encamped armies went near the other.
The story continues how Moses as God’s tool divided the waters of the Red Sea. “the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground… Their pursuers “followed them into the sea…the LORD swept them into the sea…Not one of them survived. But the Israelites wentp through the water on dry ground…”
The God of the old covenant may have chosen to destroy the enemies of his chosen ones, but the God of the new covenant chooses to sacrifice his son for the redemption of repentant souls. The repentant sinner who turns to the son through baptism and belief has crossed the Red Sea on to dry land. But those who disregard the son enter the sea and are drowned.
We should also be reminded that crossing the Red Sea is just the beginning of the long exodus wanderings before entering the promised land.
Therefore, we should keep moving in trust and confidence in this journey of faith until our traveling days are done!
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit strengthen us to stay on course in our journey of faith. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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