“Christmas At The Foot Of The Cross!”


“Christmas At The Foot Of The Cross!”(Jn.19:25-27).
We are still in the festive week of Christmas in which we commemorated the birth of the Son of God. Ironically the lectionary text today evolves around the first of Jesus’ last words on the cross. This is a salient reminder that the life that was given to us on Christmas day was given for us on the cross of Calvary.
According to the gospel of John, the first of Jesus’ last words on the cross was a command to the disciple whom he loved and his mother.
He told his mother, “Dear woman, here is your son.” And to the beloved disciple he said, “Here is your mother.” John tells us that from this time on the disciple took Mary into his home.
No doubt that “Mother is gold;” but fathers are less cared for by the children. As far as we know, by this time Joseph was still alive. To think that being a man, the fleeting thoughts about Mary’s son could constantly keep him moody. As if he had not suffered enough, this disciple now takes Mary to live with him; as if Mary had no husband.
There is a new dispensation in Africa which indirectly metes this kind of shabby treatment on fathers by their children; especially those in the diaspora. The children take the mothers abroad and leaves the old fathers to fend for themselves. This is not fair. Fathers too need some love and care by their children. After all, children are the firewood of old age for both parents.
That apart, mother’s love cannot be gainsaid. If Jesus, hanging on the cross, asked the beloved disciple to take care of his mother, it is because she was right there at the foot of the cross with other women. Where was Joseph and the other men in his bad time when he needed them most?
My friend, Christmas has meaning and impact only to those who accompany Jesus to the foot of the cross and watch him say, “It is finished!”
One more day and we will enter a new year. Are we journeying into the new year as if journeying with Jesus to the cross? When he said, “it is finished,” does that mean we are left like orphans? By no means! It is finished, means, “Mission accomplished!” The accomplishment of his earthly mission on the cross marked the beginning of our being saved. He died as Jesus and rose as the Christ.
May we celebrate Christmastide in expectation of his second coming. By this we must learn to have extra oil for our lamps so that the bridegroom does not come when we have gone in search of extra oil.
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit help me to be ready when the bridegroom comes. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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