“Called To Be Heirs Of A New Dispensation!”


“Called To Be Heirs Of A New Dispensation!”(Eph. 2:11-16).
Some weeks ago, we centered a reflection on the great Ephesian Moment. Talking about the Ephesian moment, the venerable Prof Andrew F. Walls of blessed memory states: “The Ephesian letter is not about cultural homogeneity; cultural diversity had already been built into the church by the decision not to enforce the Torah. It is a celebration of the union of irreconcilable entities, the breaking down of the wall of partition, brought about by Christ’s death (Eph. 2:13-18). Believers from the different communities are different bricks being used for the construction of a single building—a temple where the One God would live (Eph. 2:19-22).”
What this means for today’s church is to put an end to a church built on ethnic, regional, tribal, cultural and racial boundaries. And it may be unfair not to include denominational boundaries that only help to portray the church of Christ as a kingdom divided within itself.
Whoever is in Christ has been ripped off from the old self and brought into the one family, all reconciled “to God in one body through the cross…”
God in Christ has called us into newness of life. We have responded to the call. Let us as individuals make every effort to live as one family – even if we have different perspectives as to the meaning of family.
Weekend prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus Christ because through you we are no longer aliens, but are now freeborns of the one kingdom. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



“The Bread Of Life III!”

“The Bread Of Life III!”(Jn.6:52-59).When things seem not to work for you, those who deride your beliefs may taunt you and ask, “Where is your

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“The Bread Of Life II!”

“The Bread Of Life II!”(Jn.6:47-51).“I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life. Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they

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