“Bring One Soul To Christ Today! “


“Bring One Soul To Christ Today!”
In this week we have been examining how God calls people to his service. Each call is unique. Our text today is about how Jesus called his first disciples – according to the gospel of Luke. Simon Peter and his partners had spent the night fishing but it was one of those fruitless nights. As they were washing their nets, Jesus got into Simon’s boat and started preaching to the people. This is a lesson that we shouldn’t confine preaching to the inside of a building and worst still a pulpit!
After preaching he told Simon Peter, “Put out into deep water and let down your net for a catch.” Simon told him how they had had a fruitless fishing night, but concluded, “But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
Lo and behold, the catch was such that their nets began to break. They had to beckon to their partners of the other boat to assist. Both boats were full until they began to sink.
By that miaculous act Simon Peter realised it was the Lord so he fell on his knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord, I am a sinful man!” He and his companions were all astonished at the big catch of fish.
Jesus replied Simon Peter, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” Their response was dramatic! “…they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him”(Lk.5:1-11).
The difference today is that most people leave nothing to follow Jesus and grab something or everything!
My friend, make sure you are asdiduous on your job because that is where Jesus may meet you. Even before you are called listen to Jesus, obey him and your fruitless toil will bring you meaningful gains. You may not have caught anything all night because you feared to venture into the deeps. Your net may begin to break, but it won’t! Your boat of plenty may begin to sink, but it won’t! When Jesus Christ is in your boat, smile at the tempest!
These guys didn’t care whatever happened to the big catch as they left everything and followed Jesus. Jesus did not call them by saying “Follow me” or “Come to me…” They instinctively felt it within them that they had a higher calling to be with the man through whom nothing was impossible!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ inspire me to leave everything and follow you and plant in me that need to be a fisher of men for your kingdom. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
