“Be Your Own Commander…!”


“Be Your Own Commander…!”
The focus of yesterday’s story was how the Lord fed Elijah miraculously througn ravens and gave him water from the brook. Today we are made to understand that part of the tools of God’s miraculous provisions are in our hands.
Instead of feeding us through the ravens, we are rather sent to be schooled by the ant. “There is no food for a lazy man!”
The wiseman of old advises: “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest…” The great lesson we learn here is that the ant is not only industrious in and out of season. The ant is conscientious. It knows what is right to do and does it without waiting for a commander, overseer or ruler. The ant is not an eyeservant!
All creatures are blessed with consciences. We either cultivate good consciences and work with the fear of God or we develop bad consciences and become eyeservants at our work places.
Unfortunately the sluggard of scripture is an enemy to self. While he enjoys a little slumber and a little folding of the hands to rest, “poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man” Prv,6:6-11). The worst these days, the sluggard likes to engage in games of luck. They want quick money; wanting to reap without sowing! God forbid for a child of God to be engaged in game of luck like horse baiting *PMUC, Parisfoot!, any game of gambling.
*Children of God should in any work, work heartily as serving the Lord and not men. Earn an honest living. No fraudulent activities, no embezzlement, no money laundering, no dishonest dealings etc!*
My friend, God is coming to perform a miracle for you at your place of work. If he finds you working in his fear, he will bless the work of your hands. Work for the night is coming when man works no more!
Prayer of the week: Father, thank you for giving me the ability to work and a good conscience. Holy Spirit help me to be conscientious in my work. Amen!
Welcome back to a new working day and week! Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!
Babila Fochang,



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