“Be Passionate In Soul Winning!”(Jn.4:31-38).


“Be Passionate In Soul Winning!”(Jn.4:31-38).
A state of the art hospital is to be opened in Douala by weekend. Not going into details about its origination the fact is the Revs Anye are part of it. This can only be God!
The Rev Inobuh Bah Pius is rising as an individual and expanding in ministry to the extent we can only say, “This can only be God!”
The expansion of RAMA of the Rev Che Wara only points to one thing: “This can only be God!”
And to think that not long ago two of the above cited, in their own rights were participants in a World Council of Churches meeting only point to the fact, “This can only be God!”
No doubt that God is doing it, but that’s not our highlight for today. We are seeing in the above, people who abandoned their comfort zones, they were mocked and derided, but for the sake of the gospel God is still doing something through them.
On the other hand we are rocked with justified scandals of embezzlements in frightening proportions with some people making it a fixed habit of such embezzlements, yet still maintained in positions where they continue their looting unabated! And it is only when the thief has taken too much that the owner discovers. Oh no! The wind blows and the rump of the fowl is seen!
The “Food Gospel” comes in many ways. The food gospel is when the mission is not the gospel of making disciples of all nations and service to humanity. The food gospel is when the gospel is the tool or means and the mission is wealth accumulation for the individual!
When the mission is the gospel, there is passion, zeal and sacrifice, but when the mission is the food, then we only follow the timetable and everything becomes a monotonous and boring routine.
Dear friend, why are you following the Lord Jesus Christ? Is it about your drive towards a better life? The gospel is not about comfortability; the gospel is about sacrifice so that others may share in the good news.
This is the gospel: When you are steeped in gospel matters your hunger dissipates. Then those who know that you were hungry begin to wonder whether somebody must have given you food.
They wonder because they do not know that you have food which they do not know of. And that your food is to do the will of him who sent you, and to finish his work.
My friend, since you became a Christian how many people have joined the fold because of you or through you?
Following the atrocities all around and humanity’s inclination towards evil, it is more evident now than then that “the harvest is plenty and the labourers are few…”
Do not only sit by like a crop waiting to be harvested. Rather be an active and assiduous harvester bringing in lost souls into the kingdom of God.
Do not go for the food gospel, the kingdom is not about food and drinks. Rather, be a harvester of lost souls for the kingdom of God.
Prayer: Holy Spirit increase my zeal for soul winning and kingdom matters. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Prayer point: Pray for greater commitment of Christians in soul winning.
Rev Babila Fochang.



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