“Be Content, Whatever The Circumstances!”


“Be Content, Whatever The Circumstances!”(Phi. 4:10-20).
The wise man ask of the LORD, “…give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread” He goes further to tell us the reason he asks for just enough. If he is rich he may become proud and arrogant and mocks the LORD. And if he is poor he may steal and dishonour the name of the LORD (Prov. 30:7-9). Moderate provision from the LORD is what the wise man suggests if one has to remain thankful to the provider.
Paul provides us another scenario somewhat similar to this. Let us say you happen to have been blessed with riches but you remained faithful to the Provider. Then hard times hit on you and you are down to zero, would you still be faithful and loyal to the Provider? What if it was the other way round?
In most of our congregations rosters are drawn for groups to feed the pastor monthly. Sometimes we the pastors feel ashamed when we look at the old mothers who despite their lack have to contribute foodstuffs for us. The other day my wife reminded me that she had asked me to stop the food giving to the pastor thing because we realise that there’s much grumblings from some Christians who think that they are wasting what they give to the pastor. I replied my wife that I cannot stop them. Because when another pastor comes, the excuse would be that they use to give food to the pastors, but the other one came and stopped it.
“The labourer deserves his wages” is a biblical requirement.
Besides, “anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor “(Gal. 6:6).
Even so, no-one is under compulsion to give to the Man of God. More and more, servants of the gospel are embracing the tent-making ministry of Paul; doing something with your own hands and even stretching a helping hand to the needy around them. Our successes in the tent-making ministry is also one of the reasons why some Christians grumble when they are asked to take care of their shepherd. They think that it is not right to take ground from the valley to fill a hill.
By the way, we are thankful to all those who give us cheerfully. “My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”
As we were saying, if you were once rich and suddenly you became broke, how do you cope? And how do you cope if you were once poor and suddenly you became rich?
When you are up just keep reminding yourself that the Styrofoam Cup was never for you!
When we explain these things it is not because we are in need. Paul’s recipe for contentment should be the hallmark of all Christians. “…I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”
Like our own philosopher, late Prince Nico Mbarga sang, “You give me I takam, you noh give me I leavam…”
However, when you give it is credited to you more and more! No gift is too small to help a needy person by you. And no poor person is so poor that he cannot help a needy person nearby.
All in all, learn to gift others, no matter your status in life. Learn to appreciate what you have been gifted, no matter how insignificant the gift may be.
We live at a time when contentment is a taboo word that is an enemy to progress and advancement; nevertheless, learn to be content with whatever situation of life may be your portion. No condition is permanent; no matter how much we try to make it permanent! Permanence is found in change as change is the only constant in life.
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit help me daily in being content of my lot. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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