“Be At Your Place Of Work During Work Time!”¥


“Be At Your Place Of Work During Work Time!”(Mt.4:18-22).
When Jesus called Simon Peter and his brother Andrew he told them, “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” They left at once and followed Jesus. The chances are that they anticipated greater advantages being fishers of men than fishers of fish.
By letting them know what they were called to do, Jesus had evangelism as the reason for discipleship. He called them so that they will in turn call others to the fold.
On the same day Jesus called James and John, the sons of Zebedee. When Jesus called them, they immediately followed him, leaving their boat and their father.
Four people were called on the same day. The first two brothers were given their next job description, so they knew what to expect. But the next two brothers were just called. Nothing was said to them. We only assume that they too were called to be fishers of men, but the text does not say so.
Agreed that they were called to bring others in, just as it is expected of us today. However, we want to reflect not on why they were called, but on where they were when they were called.
only Simon Peter and his brother Andrew were casting their net into the lake when they were called. The sons of Zebedee were in their boat preparing their nets. That is to say they were either washing, mending or hanging up the nets to dry in preparation for the next fishing trip. All four of them were at their work place when Jesus called them. Jesus does not call idle folks. Those found at their places of work are those who will work for Jesus when he calls them.
The other day I told a group of age mates that they are not as poor as they think. They too have been blessed. When some of us take time to calculate the amount of money we have spent on drinking and other pleasures, we will realise that each one of us would have constructed storey buildings or we would be billionaires.
The less time we spend at work, the more time we spend on leisure. The more time we spend on leisure, the more money we waste on pleasures. And the more time we spent on pleasures, the further away we drift from the presence of the Lord. This makes it difficult for Jesus to see us and call us to assign us.
Therefore dear friend, utilise work time by being at your work place because that is where Jesus wants to find you to call you and commission you!
Prayer: Holy Spirit teach me on the importance of being committed at my workplace where Christ will find me. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev. Babila Fochang.
