“As A Shepherd Do Not Remain In Your Comfort Zone!”


“As A Shepherd Do Not Remain In Your Comfort Zone!”
One of the touching dirges my people sing at the funeral of a mother who dies young is, “Foolish mother, escaping from war and abandoning the child.” Under normal circumstances a mother would rather die protecting and struggling to save the child than abandoning the child while running to safety.
A good shepherd should be such a mother who would rather die protecting the sheep than abandoning the sheep for his/her own safety. Unfortunately the persistent war in the troubled anglophone regions and the scare of the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed openly what true shepherding means to us who are supposed shepherds.
To us both secular, sacred and sacral rulers and leaders some places have become “no go” zones! Yet we sit in ivy towers and order others to be there otherwise they “will” be sanctioned! We behave like the “ganakos” who lead cattle from the North West to the South West and Littoral regions for sale. When darkness overtakes them, they look for an open field, put their mats in the centre and cause the cows to surround them. By this it is the cows protecting the “ganakos” and not the “ganakos” protecting the cows.
This situation clearly reads, “We don’t care the damn whatever happens to the cows. Our safety comes first!” It should not be so with you! Paul, our senior in the faith gives us the example that when “compelled by the Spirit” we have to go where duty calls, not knowing what will happen to us there, except that in every city the Holy Spirit warns that prison and hardship awaits us.
You see dear friend, truth be told: You have no interest in the flock if you refuse to seek them when they have ventured into dangerous ravines! If your safety is important than theirs, then you need another calling.
When the Spirit compells to move, a well intentioned shepherd like Paul will willingly go with this affirmation: “I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace”(Acts 20:17-27). So therefore, fear not; go and testify to the gospel of God’s grace!
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit, give me the courage to brave the dangers and complete my task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!



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“Saved By The Gardener!”(Lk. 13:6-9).Time frames are important for project visions. To be sure that goals would be realized within given time frames, there is

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