“The Spirit Blows Where It Wills!”


“The Spirit Blows Where It Wills!”(Acts 10:44-48).
Some scholars suggests that Acts of the Apostles is better suited to be called “Acts of the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit may have inspired all the Scriptures but he features prominently in Acts than any other book.
Today we pose the question: Does conversion happen only at one’s baptism? This is a seemingly childish but useful question.
Christian conversion is about turning towards the Lord Jesus Christ. It may be a dramatic event, to one individual, but to the majority it is a long and winding process. We can easily determine when it begins, but we may not know when it ends or how long it takes. In each life there are many turnings to be done before one becomes a fully new creation. We grow in Christ and in faith as we know Christ more and more and the power of his resurrection.
Peter and John went to Samaria where they laid hands on the converts who had received baptism in the name of Jesus Christ but had not yet received the Holy Spirit.
In the home of Cornelius the encounter was different. Peter was speaking to the people about Jesus Christ. While he was still speaking the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message – to the astonishment of the circumcised brothers who were with Peter. They were astonished that “the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles” and they too spoke in tongues like on the day of Pentecost.
Peter, seeing that those Gentiles had also received the Holy Spirit asked that they should be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus Christ had told Nicodemus that “no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit…”(Jn.3:5).
The Lord Jesus Christ receives all of us in any pitiable and sinful condition just as we are, but he won’t allow us to walk with him the way we are!
Those who receive the Spirit walk in the Spirit evidenced by the fruits they produce.
The Lord Jesus Christ does not meet us all at the same place and time, and so our encounter with him cannot be the same. But once we are with him we all become new creations.
The Spirit who renews us may fill us before baptism, or at baptism or after baptism. But once he fills us we are not the same until he processes us into what Christ wants us to be to be worthy of walking with him.
Weekend prayer: LORD thank you for letting your Spirit to fall on all without distinction. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
