“Hope In The LORD!”


“Hope In The LORD…!”(Is.40:27-31).
Have you ever had a dead-end experience? Dead-end experiences come in different shapes and shades. As such there is no respect to status.
Let us take the COVID 19 example. The scare of COVID 19 is kind of comatose, but there was a time when it was like a dead-end to humanity. The frequent news of alarming death rates from the disease seems to have been quarantined. Sometimes I ask myself whether there ever was COVID 19?
Don’t get me wrong! I lost prominent members of my congregation to the disease Among them a couple who were backbones to the congregation. Husband and wife were buried on the same day. May their souls and the souls of the thousands who died by the disease continue to rest in peace.
I did not only lose members of the congregation to the disease, I was diagnosed of it. After the diagnosis I was given the opportunity for self-quarantine, I accepted. I was living in a three bedroom house. The master bedroom had a tiny toilet. There was another toilet for the rest of the house. All doors into the bedrooms came out in the parlour. I was supposedly quarantined in one room but still had to share the same bathroom with my wife and grandchild. I still had to be passing through the parlour etc.
We were eight in all in the house. The risk of transmission was high, so I feared for the family. During the period of quarantine all kinds of thoughts and worries passed through my mind. My granddaughter was less than five years old and my mother-in-law is an aged woman. I worried about them more than the others. They were more vulnerable than the rest.
Thanks to the Session members and those loving Christians who were very concerned about my condition. Their loving care and concern served as an anchor to my hope.
Dear friend, this story is to give you one of my own dead-end experiences. And like I said in the intoduction, it is likely that we all have reached dead-end points in life.
Maybe you are even at that dead-end moment right now! Cheer up! The winning is not always for the fastest runners. It is for those who by faith reach the end before they begin.
We all at one time or the other arrive at the point where we may complain and ask, “God why have you disregarded my cause?” Such is a question of ignorance because no-one can fathom God’s understanding. “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak…those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
God does not forget those who put their hope in him! That is why we have a Redeemer who is the gateway to the fulfilment of our hope. Hope in the LORD because hope in him never dissappoints.
Weekend prayer: Lord Jesus Christ thank you for securing the fulfilment of our hopes. Amen!
Have a blessed weekend! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
