“On The Other Side Of Public Opinion!”


“On the other side of public opinion!”(Jer. 11:18-20).
Whether a prophet likes it or not, the word of the LORD that he must pass on to the people compels him to stand on the other side of public opinion. As it was in days gone by and as it continues today, whoever is standing on the other side of public opinion is a target for assasination.
Standing on the other side of public opinion rocks the boat and threatens the comfort zones of the majority who know the truth but choose to believe the lie because believing the lie assures their continuous enjoyment of their comfort zones.
Threat or no threat, the prophet has the burden of telling it as it is! Yesterday we said “God has set the time for every occurence. If we follow his rhythm we can always be in harmony with his timing.” “Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain…”(Ps.127:1). In the same way, no weapon fashioned against a child of God can prevail, unless it is his appointed time. That is why he is with us – Immanuel, and that is why he saves us – Joshua.
I have lost count of the death threats I have received over the years; some times from hometown and some times from colleagues. Yet I am not worried because God is watching my back until his right time comes.
Talking about himself, Jesus said a prophet is not accepted in his hometown. Prof Andrew F. Walls says when it concerns your people, you are handling dynamite, for they constitute your past. But my worry is, how to manage it so that the tongue does not touch the aching tooth!
Prophet Jeremiah experienced such plots to eliminate him; coming from the people of Anathoth, his natal village!
In “Who the cap fits” Bob Marley sings, “…Some will hate you, pretend they love you now. Then behind they try to eliminate you, But who Jah bless, no one curse. Thank God …” Indeed, who the LORD blesses, no one can curse.
The people plotted to kill Jeremiah, but the LORD revealed it to him. Jeremiah was like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter. He didn’t know the coup plotters said, “Let us destroy the tree and its fruit; let us cut him off from the land of the living, that his name be remembered no more…”
Jeremiah here is a prototype of the Lord Jesus Christ. Like Jesus he was not married, he had no child. According to the coup plotters, if they eliminated him, his genes would not continue in any young generation who may also stand on the other side of public opinion.
My friend, when we think that things are getting better, they get worse. How can we say peace, peace when a head is taken off a humanbeing as if it was a cow? How can we say peace, peace when a child of God is buried alive! How can we be on the side of public opinion when university students are picked up and later found dead!
This hurts, and our silence hurts even more! Philip Yancey writes, “Today, if I had to answer the question, ‘Where is God when it hurts?’ in a single sentence, I will make that sentence another question: ‘Where is the church when it hurts?’ We form the frontline of God’s response to the suffering world.”
We are God’s mouthpiece to speak on behalf of the voiceless. We can’t afford to take sides with those who say peace, peace when there is no peace! The word of God burning in us like fire compels us to be on the other side of public opinion.
There’s no doubt that the coup plotters will gather against us, but the good news is that the LORD will reveal it to us.
My friend, no matter the storm, commit your cause to the LORD Almighty who judges righteously. Leave vengeance to the LORD.
Prayer: LORD Almighty, to you I commit my cause for you are a righteous judge. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
