“Go And Spread The Good News…!”


“Go And Spread The Good News…!”(Lk.2:15-20).
Today is second Christmas day. In today’s reflection we focus on the reaction of the shepherds to the good news and Mary’s concerns.
The shepherds were the first evangelists, even if they have not been acknowledged as such. Soon after the angels left them, they decided to go to Bethlehem and see for themselves. They went and they saw and it was true as they had been told. When they had seen the baby Jesus, “They spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard them were amazed…” These shepherds were the first disciples and evangelists to bear witness and accept that the baby was the Saviour, Christ the Lord. They returned “glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen…”
The moment we hear and see what God has done for our salvation we should spread the news around and also glorify and praise God for what he has done.
Concerning Mary: Our son was about three years old. He had fever. We took him to the hospital. When it was time for consultation I carried him into the consultation room. The female doctor looked at me and asked, “Where is his mother?” I told her the mother was outside. She said, “Then why are you the one inside here with the child? What do you know about the child? Go out and ask the mother to come in.” I did as she said, but from that day I often wondered whether that wasn’t too much of feminism!
However, reflecting further I know she was right. Mothers know their children better than their fathers. Of old, among the Akans of Ghana it was an elderly woman who made the choice of a successor to the stool. The reason being that when parents were going to the farm, they gathered the little children and left them in the custody of the elderly mother. Being used to spending time with the children she got acquainted with the character traits of each child. It was easy for her to know who could become a good leader.
Mother is not only gold, she is more than gold. To all the mothers we say “Thank you.”
The shepherds went to Bethlehem and saw and it was true as the angel had said. They told everybody who cared to listen to them, and those who heard were amazed. “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
At age twelve Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. When the parents missed him on their return journey, they went back searching for him. When they found him in the temple the mother asked him, “Son why have you treated us like this?…” He replied that they didn’t have to look for him because he was in his Father’s house. The parents didn’t understand, “But his mother treasured all these things in her heart”(Lk.2:41-52).
Mary had to treasure those things in her heart because she knew what she knew – what the angel had told her at the anunciatuon. We appreciate situations based on past experiences and keep them in our hearts, because another person cannot tell where the shoe pinches you.
May God bless all mothers.
Prayer: We glorify and praise your name for sending us a Saviour, Christ the Lord. Amen!
Welcome to a new day and week. Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you! Merry Christmas!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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