“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow…!”


“Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow…!”( Ps.104:14-26).
“How many are your works O LORD! In wisdom you made them all…” And when the LORD made all things in six days, he saw that they were good. Yes, the wise man says the LORD has made everything beautiful in its own time (Eccl.3:11a).
When St.Patrick first took the gospel to the Irish people, the king convened his council to deliberate and decide on what to do about the new religion. When the chief priest of the main local god spoke, there was no need for further argument. The priest said all along he had prescribed good things from the god for the people, but he himself hardly received any favours from the gods. He opined that it was better to follow the new God which St. Patrick was introducing. That is how by a cabinet decision the people became Christian.
The oracles of the gods in Nigerian movies often say, “The gods are wise.” The gods are wise to prescribe for humanbeings what they themselves have not made. In wisdom the LORD made all things; including the objects people use as gods that are claimed to be wise.
A new teaching that encourages slot is the misinterpretation of “The LORD will provide.” Those who are deceived by the teachings of miracle money miss the purpose of man. Stewardship of all God’s other creatures is a main duty of man. “No sweat, no sweet!” The lions may be the lords of the jungle, but all things being equal, God expects them to roar for their prey and seek for their food from God at night. Then comes morning when “… man goes out to work, to his labor until evening.”
My brother/sister, “No food for lazy man.” Every man must hustle! There is nothing like miracle money! The LORD is ready to bless the works of your hands. He does not want you to reap where you did not sow. He will bless your efforts when you pray and work, and work and pray.
When the Lord Jesus Christ said, *”ask and it wiill be given to you,” he also ssid, *”seek and you will find…”*(Mt.7:7). Working is seeking. Go out to your labor and the LORD will bless your efforts. Praise God at all times for surrounding you with everything you need to survive.
Prayer: Thank you LORD of our Creation and Sustenance and for being the same Lord of our salvation. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you !
Rev Babila Fochang.
