“Live To Please God”


“Live To Please God!”(I Th.4:1-8).
A child who always comes home with good grades makes the parents happy. But as long as the child is not in the first position, the parents, despite their joy may still tell the child, “Well done! But your best is not good enough! Strive for the top position!”
It is in the same way that Paul says he knows we are already living to please God, but he urges us “in the name of Jesus to do this more and more.”
Love no matter how passionate in may be in the beginning, often grow cold and needs some fire to set it aflame again. In the same way our resolve to live lives that pleases God can grow cold over the years. And we may be tempted to seek our own pleasures which are displeasing to God.
God has called us to holy living and this means when we belong to God, we no longer own ourselves. We are called to be different from the heathens in word and in deed.
God’s will is for us to be sanctified and this means we should avoid sexual immorality and learn to control our bodies. The Lord Jesus Christ says sexual immorality is not about the act of adultery or fornication. It already happens when you look at the other gender lustfully. It is worse in this generation where it is not only lusting for the other gender, but for the same gender; worst still beastiality, and debasedly is humans lusting objects.
Dear friend, the journey of faith is a journey of hazardous footpaths where travellers stumble and fall. The caveat is that when you stumble and fall, and when you get up, look for a staff that can give you support each time you slide again. Besides, you never fall until you don’t attempt to rise; just as you never fail until you’ve stopped trying!
If we reject this instruction, we are rejecting God who gives us the Holy Spirit. If we reject God, we cannot therefore expect to be beneficiaries of his Holy Spirit.
Sunday prayer: LORD, I have striven to live a holy life, yet I have failed many times. Help me to do more and more what you desire. Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
