“Watch And Pray…!”


“Watch And Pray…!”(Mt.26:36-44).
In the 1950s Paul Roberts wrote an essay on writing tips for first-year college students captioned, “How to say nothing in 500 words.” The essay has been recommended by some writers to be included in the toolkit of writers. We think it can also serve as a useful guide against long prayers that pray nothing in 500 words..
The instruction to “pray continually”(I Thes.5:17) should not be understood as “without stopping.” It is more about regularity and consistency.
At the most scaring moment of his life Jesus’ prayer was brief. The length of prayer should not necessarily depend on the gravity of the situation. At Gethsemane Jesus began to be sorrowful and troubled. He voiced this to the trusted three of his inner circle,“My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death…”, yet this is how brief his prayer was: “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” He prayed a second time, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.” And he prayed a third time, “saying the same thing.”
Yes, when troubles assail and when we are frightened by dangers, our wish is that God should take us out of harm’s way, but our hope should not depend on what we will, but as God wills.
In that moment when Jesus needed his trusted friends the most, they were sleeping, even when he had told them, “stay here and keep watch with me.” When he came back the second time, they were still sleeping and resting.
Jesus told them as he is telling us today,“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak”
Yes, we should be alert as we read the signs of the times. We should watch and pray not to fall into the temptation of letting our bodies override the willingness of our spirits which are in alignment with the will of the Father.
We should pray without ceasing, with consistent content of present concerns, and with brevity!
Prayer of the week: Holy Spirit help me to watch and pray so that I do not fall into temptation. Amen!
Welcome back to a new working day and week! Have a blessed day and week! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
