“O Lord My God, How Great You Are!”


“O Lord My God, How Great You Are!”(Jb.38:1-11).
When Job could no longer bear the taunts of his friends, he said among other things, “…let the Almighty answer me…”(Job.31:35). Job waa expecting maybe for God to vindicate him in front of his friends who insisted that his suffering was punishment from God; a slap on his face against his claim of innocence.
God took Job by surprise by answering him in the storm. I wonder how many of us in this generation can hear God speaking from the storm amidst the cacophony of noise?
God’s response to Job was a catalogue of questions.
The first question was,“Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge?” This question puts a stop to all our so-called, knowledge, wisdom and intelligence!
The barrage of questions posed by God is to let us know that “the more you know, the more you know that you know nothing.”
As long as we were not there when God laid the foundations of the earth, we are limited in the same way that God fixed the limits of the sea.
The Lord says even to us humans in the same way he said to the proud waves,“This far you may come and no farther.
The people of Babel failed in constructing the tower not because they were not able, but because they wanted to make a name for themselves(Gen.11:4).
The Lord is not against our quest for knowledge and wisdom, but he has set the limits which we cannot go beyond.
Let us learn to appreciate the awesomeness of God in the beauty of his creation.
The only knowledge that brings succour to the human soul is the quest to know Christ more and more and the power of his resurrection. For Christ alone is our wisdom.
Prayer: Holy Spirit help me to trust in the LORD and not to darken his counsel with words without knowledge. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev Babila Fochang.
