“Happening In The Plan And Will Of God!”


“Happening In The Plan And Will Of God!”(Mt.27:62-66).
African kingdoms are polygamous set up, and since no one knows the queen who shall give birth to the next king, it is prudent to treat all the queens with respect.
It is good to plan ahead with expected outcomes, yet we never can tell with precision what the future holds. God alone holds the future in his hands. If we were so knowledgeable about the future, we may not have taken certain decisions or acted in particular ways.
The choices we make are good – or so we think – but consequences of the choices often fall short of our expectations. The worst of it is that when we are bent on achieving certain outcomes, we become so blinded not to see that there are other options of the outcomes. God alone holds the future in his hands, because he alone knows what lies in that future.
Evil men have succeeded in their mission! They have crucified Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea, a good man who was a disciple of Jesus has pleaded with Pilate for the body of Jesus. Permission has been granted. He lays Jesus in his own new tomb.
My people say,“when you throw somebody to the ground, get off him.” But it is not so with the killers of Jesus. They are scared of what Jesus can do – even as a corpse! So they go to Pilate and say,“Sir, we remember that while he was still alive that deceiver said, ‘After three days I will rise again.’ So give the order for the tomb to be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body and tell the people that he has been raised from the dead. This last deception will be worst than the first.”
The first deception according to them, and which was the reason why Jesus was killed is that he claimed to be the Messiah.
Dear friend, most times in life we want to have it our own way. We insist on our own way, but as long as it is not in God’s way, our efforts are misdirected and wasted.
This explains why we toil and expend our energies in what we consider to be the best for the future, but at the end of the day it is just wasted time, labour, resources and years!
Neither the tomb nor the the seal on the tomb to make it secure nor the guard placed there could help to change what will happen tomorrow.
Let’s wait for tomorrow and see whether the resurrection was a deception or God’s truth. But in the meantime, don’t waste energy and time fighting against what you have no control over. What God says will be, will be; so take him at his words!
Holy Saturday prayer: Holy Spirit open my eyes of faith to the plans of God that are hidden to my physical eyes and human understanding. Amen!
Have a blessed Holy Saturday! Peace be with you!
