
“Hosanna To The KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!”(Rev. 19:11-16).
Today is Palm Sunday in which we celebrate the Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. It is called Palm Sunday because on that triumphal entry people “took palm branches and went out to meet him…” It is called “triumphal” because when they went out to meet him with the palms, they shouted, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!”(Jn.12:12-19).
Palm Sunday also marks the beginning of Holy/Passion Week in which we reflect on the passion of our Lord.” Although he entered Jerusalem triumphantly and was hailed as the King of Israel, such praises only angered his haters. The Pharisees said to one another,‘See, this is getting us nowhere. Look how the whole world has gone after him!'”
It was an overstatement for them to think that the whole world had gone after him while he was still alive! By that time only the nation of Israel knew much about Jesus. Fastforward those Pharisees to this era and they will see how the majority world, numbering billions have actually gone after him; beginning from the very day of his death!
Never in the history of the world has a person become very popular in death than when he was alive; except Jesus. The evil perpetuated on Jesus by the haters that led to his death changed the face of history. The majority world date time with BC and AD, Before Christ and Anno Domino – in the year of our Lord. Even those who orefer BCE and CE have not in any way changed the period of dating.
More than this, his death which they precipitated led to him putting an end to the scare of death. He won the victory over the grave because neither death nor the grave could hold him captive. He rose from the grave victorious with the highest title, MESSIAH/CHRIST.
In the commemoration of today’s Palm Sunday we are informatively reminded that we are not celebrating only his triumphal entry, but rather *his coming again as the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!
He is not that weakling as his enemies presumed he was. He is coming to crush injustice, marginalization, political demagoguery, subjugation, oppression, suppression, and to put an end to the entire domination system that allows for a few to swim in oppulence, power and authority at the expense of the majority.
Human power, authority, fame and wealth, just like humans are transient. They fade away like the flowers of the morning; but the Word Of God is eternal and brings abundant life to those who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb of God.
As we celebrate Palm Sunday which ushers us into the Passion Week, let us walk the talk of faith in truth and justice. Our LORD who comes is called “Faithful and True” and with justice he will judge and make wars. Before he establishes his kingdom they will be no peace for the wicked. Let us be good and do good as we await his second coming!
Sunday prayer: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, blessed are you who come in the name of the LORD! Hosanna! Amen!
Have a blessed Sunday! Peace be with you! Happy Palm Sunday!
Rev Babila Fochang.



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