“Pay Attention To Inspired Scriptures!”


“Pay Attention To Inspired Scriptures!”(II Pt.1:16-2:3).
We are often accused of believing the fairy tales about a man who died more than two thousand years ago. We have not believed the Homerian stories of the Greek gods, neither have we attributed divinity to Shakespearean characters. The reason is simple: They are made-up stories; born out of “creative imaginations!”
We believe the stories of Jesus Christ. By believing the stories, we believe in him for who he is, because the stories have been told to us by eyewitnesses.
Peter says,“We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty…” They saw when he received honour and glory from God the Father during his transfiguration.”
Besides, there are the words of the prophets from generations past, made more certain. It is for our good to “do well to pay attention to it, as a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in our hearts.”
These days, even events of entertainment have generated many prophecies and raised controversies as to whether some so-called prophecies are mere predictions or prognosis. Peter teaches us that “no prophecy of Scriptures came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”
That notwithstanding, there existed false prophets, even as there will be false teachers among us. These false teachers secretly introduce destructive heresies. Unfortunately, “many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute.” Out of greed these false teachers will exploit the gullible “with stories they have made up.”
Recently we are reading the story of a MOG selling tickets for heaven. We have seen some using their mobile phones to place calls to heaven. Some walk on human carpets; others are carried on chairs while they preach and can only be put down when the sermon is ended! All have the claim to have been in the counsel of the Lord!
We do not condemn any person, otherwise we too condemned for our own idiosyncrasies. However, when it comes to the testimony about Christ we must distinguish between those “who do not follow cleverly invented stories” as against the false teachers who “in their greed…exploit you with stories they have made up.”
Let us pay attention to true prophecy “as to a light shinning in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (Christ) rises in our hearts.”
Weekend prayer: Holy Spirit lead me to always pay attention to the true prophecy which illumines Christ in my heart. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev. Babila Fochang.
