“We Are Blessed!”


“We Are Blessed!”(Lk.10:21-24).
It is common to hear on the continet questions like,“Who cursed Africa?” “How can Africans continue to believe in a religion that was a tool of their enslavemevt?” Such questions make sense when we consider the colonial and missionary enterprises to be one and the same thing. There is no doubt that the colonizers were Christians, or that sometimes the missionaries were surrogates of colonialism; what late Prof. Lamin Sanneh called,“colonialism at prayer.”
This challenge to the Christian faith is raised mostly by the enlightened class. It falls in line with the question of Ludwig who asked his missionary friend to Africa,“God is a philosophical concept; how can savages understand him?”
The late Prof. Kwame Bediako upheld that the pursuit of knowledge is a quest for truth, which when found must be submitted at the feet of Christ. So to say the pursuit of knowledge should be “faith seeking understanding.” Even so, we must not philosophically establish that God exist before believing in him. Whether we accept that he exists or not, and whether we believe in him or not, he exist all the same.
St. Thomas Aquinas is noted to have said,“I believe because it is absurd.”
My friend, we cannot understand the things of God but we just have to believe. Human wisdom is a cul-de-sac, but faith leads to knowledge of God. In Christ we know the truth and the truth sets us free.
Jesus was full of joy through the Holy Spirit and praised God for hiding these things from the wise and learned, but revealing them to children. Bekuevers are children who enbrace whatever in childish innocence.
We are a blessed generation for having known what the people of old would have loved to see and experience. Let us keep aside all the logic that confuses us and come to Christ in simplicity so that through him the Father will manifest his glory upon us. We are clay in the potter’s hands. We are a blessed generation; notwithstanding the hardtimes with its hardships!
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ thank you for revealing the Father to us through the Holy Spirit. Help me to know you more. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Rev. Babila Fochang.
