“Keep The Lord’s Day Honorable!”


“Keep The Lord’s Day Honorable!”
Life is about cause and effect. What we often are is the effect caused by what we did or were. Life is about choices and consequences. What we reap is the effect of what we sowed.
We always have options and the choices we make determine the consequences that become our reality.
Today we reflect on the consequences that become our reality if we keep our feet from breaking the Sabbath, not going our own way and not doing as we please or speaking idle words. The effect or the consequences will be that we will find joy in the Lord. He will cause us to ride on the heights of the land and feast on the inheritance of our ancestors (Is.58:13-14).
For Christians our Sabbath is not Saturday as it was and is with the Jews. Our Sabbath is Sunday – the Lord’s day which is the day the Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead.
The day is not set aside because it is called SUNDAY, it is set aside because it is the LORD’S DAY! In the Lord Jesus Christ old things have become new (II Cor. 5:17).
Observing Sunday is not just the mere cessation of work. The blessings of Sunday come to us when we call it a delight of the Lord and honor it by going the Lord’s way.
The tendency is to go our own way, doing as we please; not only as in action but as in intention. This means while observing the day we may be saying: Let it come and pass so that we may market our grains with false measure, raise the price and cheat with kilograms that we have manipulated, “buying the poor with silver and the needy for a pair of sandals, selling even the sweepings with the wheat”(Am.8:5-6).
The honor and worship we give to the Lord on Sunday should be intentionally carried over to Monday through Saturday. In order words, we should honor the Lord all the days of our lives for we are always in the presence of the Lord.
And when we do, his his grace, mercy, compassion and never-ending blessings will remain and abide with us always! “The mouth of the Lord has spoken,” and he will surely do what he says he will do.
Prayer: Holy Spirit guide me to keep the “Lord’s Day” honorable. Amen!
Have a blessed day! Peace be with you!
Babila Fochang
[email protected]



“Morning Prayer!”

“Morning Prayer!”(Mk.1:35-39).“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place, where he

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